Monday 11 December 2017

SAP Security

Security is a word you hear correlated with computers every day. Since multiple organizations are keeping delicate business data in databases, someone wants to secure this information and manage those who have access to it.

SAP offers software applications and support to businesses of all areas. This means that when a corporation decides to use SAP software, to run its business, SAP takes over the complete business operation. SAP software such as SAP R/3 can take weeks for a business to achieve. Few companies choose to move over to this software in a process that can take years.
Once a company is using this software, all of that company's information is stored in one database. All communication and work done for that company are done within that system. Users can login remotely and access information and complete tasks.

Working in the SAP Security field is like guarding a safe. You will be responsible for all the data that is inside, and enable various people various levels of access to the vault. You will constantly be looking for ways that strangers can get in the vault and take information. The vault will be changing regularly and you will have constantly find ways to keep intruders out.

SAP Security Audit for User Management Process

SAP Security Audit

The main building block in SAP Security is user access to the sap system with the transactions to perform specific functions in the system. The transaction access is obtained from the SAP Role which gives the access required in the system. Typically when a company implements SAP they will try to identify the number of people in the company and group their tasks into Jobs. Then develop their role based on their job functions.

SAP Security Audit for user approval process

One of the primary aspects looked into when they audit the SAP system is the approval process for adding the users to the system and also endorsement to change the user access to the system. This process could be automated or manual. But the external audit team will want to walk through the method and confirm that proper permissions were obtained before creating the user in the system.

SAP Security audit for qualifying the users:

In this procedure, the audit team will look for any training requirements before users get access to the system. This training could be professional training or training due to past professional experience. One of the key aspects they look for is how is the training completion documented and verified.

SAP Security Audit for Removing the Users from the system:

Here the sap security audit process wants to see a procedure in place for removing or locking the users from the system due to inactivity, leaving the organization or access not required. For inactivity, the companies will have a policy in place to lock the user if they are not using the system for a specific number of days. This could range from 60 days to 180 days. The audit team wants to look what happens when this threshold is met and if the process is followed consistently. The process could just lock the user or delete the user completely from the system and document the approvals for the change. The other perspective of user removal is leaving the company or moving to another job within the company which does not require the SAP Access. The audit team will recognize the users who have been removed from the HR system or moved to different position or location and try to identify the change which happened in SAP System. Typically the audit team will check if the change happened and how was this change authorized.

SAP User Validation Process:

With this process, the audit team wants to see how often the users are validated and confirmed that their access is still required in the SAP system. The SAP Security audit process requires that there needs to regular periods where the user access is reviewed by a supervisor or process owner to confirm the access provisioned is appropriate and still valid. This review process could vary from quarterly or yearly based on the company policies.

SAPVITS is the World Class Online SAP Training Institute which will provide immense profits from its training courses. SAP Security Online Training course includes interactive live video and live sessions given by SAP Experts with more than 12+ years of industry experience as well as teaching experience. We also offer free SAP Security Training course materials to attendees and experienced people alike. SAPVITS has branches in India (Pune, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Gurgaon, Noida, and Delhi), UK (London), and USA (New York), UAE (Dubai), Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Malaysia etc. We also offer training courses at different locations, such as:

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